Hi allll

How's everyone this week? Having fun at school or workplace? I'm kinda busy recently on my finals and paper and other stuff. Thank God. So far everything has been great!! This week is our monthly Youth District Meeting 7:30pm @ Church. The theme message this week is "Discipleship," As usual, we'll have a good time praising and worshiping our heavenly Father though songs; and Josh will deliver a short message about "Discipleship;" and then we'll have a short group discussion at church. I guarantee there will be sooo sooo much fun. Trust me; praising and worshiping our GOD is just tooo FUN HAPPY AND SONG!! Small group leaders please don't forget to contact your members about the meeting place and time; and invite them to come oh!!


這裡拜過的怎樣啊? 學校和工作都好吧?? 最近雷ㄣ是有點忙. 忙著期末考, 報告, 以及其他一些有的沒有的. 不過感謝上帝. 到目前為止都還滿順利的!!! 這個禮拜是每個月一次的青年牧區聚會. 時間和地點是 7:30pm @ 教會!!! 四月的主題是"門徒." 和往常一樣, 我們會有一段很棒的時間用詩歌敬拜讚美我們在天上的爹地, 然後牧區長Josh 會給我們一個短短的訊息, 之後會就地在教會分小組討論. 我保證絕對很好玩的啦!!! 真的! 敬拜讚美阿爸真的是超棒, 超好玩, 超開心, and 超爽!! 最後, 請小組長們記得連絡你們的小組員這禮拜的聚會時間地點!!

Love in Christ,

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個人的 (personal)

壘球隊的Calvin 日前腿骨折, 目前已出院在家休養. 請未他禱告.
    Calvin from softball team broke his leg few days ago. He's got home resting. Please pray for him!
2. Rachel
今天的化學的學生實習的面試. 請為她禱告!!
    Rachel’s chemistry co-op interview today! Please pray for her!
為自己一個人在這邊住的禱告Tina, Ben, 丁丁, Jerry, Cindy, Andrew, Johnson
     Pray for those who live alone here. ie.Tina Ben, Fred, Jerry, Cindy, Andrew, Johnson
求神讓我們的禱告越來越好, 越來越符合神的心意.
     May we pray better, and pray according to God's will.

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很快的一個禮拜又過了. 上個禮拜的活動好玩嗎? 我超Enjoy 的說!! 希望你們都喜歡喔!! 這個禮拜小組要查經的題目是"無畏的禱告!" (以弗所書 3:14-21). 我們要從保羅的禱告中學習如何來為自己禱告.

這個禮拜的聚會時間地點是:星期六(三月29日) 7:15pm @ Ben's House!!!

請小組長(或副組長)通知你的組員這禮拜的聚會時間&地點! 謝謝~~

Hello everybody,

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之前在Youtube 看到這個影片, 這是一個敬拜讚美的Workshop 的影片!
我覺得講得很簡單, 卻很正確;尤其是在講每個樂器的音域的分配的地方, 對我自己幫助滿大的! 希望對你們也有幫助~
特別是Praise and Worship team 的人, 請務必要看呀!!!!
Part One

Part Two

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