Hi everyone,
     This saturday is the first saturday of a month again. :) March is the month that we are going to lift off spiritually. This month's theme is "Faith and Prayer". The first two month we spent some time to understand what we are going to do and how we are doing it. Now we need to fuel up our tank and launch the rocket! Faith and Prayer are the fuel to our spiritual lives and ministry. Please come join us this saturday at 5 for prayer meeting and 7:30 for combined youth meeting.
below is the invitation for prayer meeting from pastor's wife.
God bless


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今天我們的討論花滿多時間再討論"我們討厭的人也需要福音" 因為我們花很多時間從群眾的角度來討論. 當然那是對的. 每個人都需要福音, 包括我們所討厭的人. 可是今天另外有一個最主要的重點是, Unlikely Seekers, 就是那些我們生活中認為不需要福音的人. (像是看起來幸福的人, 有錢的人, etc) 就像故事裡的撒該, 當時的人可能會覺得他不需要耶穌, 不需要福音. 可是, 實際上, 撒該需要福音, 他想要親近耶穌. 而另一方面, 耶穌也來特地來這個城鎮尋找, 拯救失喪的人 (ie. 撒該)!

An Unlikely Seeker [Luke 19:1-11]


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(Josh posted on tpcc district google group @ http://groups.google.ca/group/tpcc-youth-district)

March 8th is our movie night event. :) So we could have a bit
discussion of which movie to watch. However, please suggest rated P
movies! You guys can post rep

Josh's suggestion -

1. Evan Almighty

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This is nothing related to church or anything; i found it so funny, so i decided to put it up here! hahah enjoy guys-_____________-!

這和教會和團契都沒有關係; 我只是看到覺得很好笑所以就決定放上來跟大家分享一下-_-!(哈哈哈)

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Mosi mosi EVERYBODY,

This saturday, we're going to have a group discussion and he original praise and worship training is postponed to Mar. 8 (SAT). |This week's topic, again, is about evangelism. Do you guys still remember what are the 4 points for come-and-see approach? If not, you can always review it from the previous post!!!!


這個禮拜六的活動是小組討論. 原定於這禮拜六舉行的Praise and worship 訓練因故延期到三月8號. 這禮拜的主題也是有關"傳福音." 大家還記得我們上個禮拜六所討論的"來看看吧"的四個points嗎? 如果忘記了的話, 我有放在之前的文章裡面; 大家可以去看看順便複習一下喔!!!

Anyways, this week's topic is "An Unlikely Seeker" from Luke 19:1-11. The aim is to learn that everyone needs the gospel and that Jesus does not only respond to seekers, but also seeks after them himself. Many of us have a tendency to categorize people into the "likely seekers" or the "unlikely seekers." As a result, we tend to invite only those "likely seekers" to church, and forget that in reality, everyone needs the gospel and that GOD responds to all that seek Him. Most importantly, Jesus seeks us as well! This passage of an unlikely seeker provides valuable insights for evangelism.

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