Hi friends,
We'll be attending
the special speaker event hosted by Career & College Fellowship of
Vancouver Taiwanese Presbyterian Church on January 16, 2010 (Guest
speaker: Brian McConaghy from Ratanak Foundation, Please see the attachment for further information. Since the event starts at 7:30pm, please ensure you arrive earlier. Venue: VTPC Church Hall (2733 West 41st Avenue, Vancouver)
- parking lot at rear or street parking. We'll have group discussion
the following week regarding Brian's message and the message heard at
Missions Fest.
1: The contents may not be suitable for everyone as the talk might
mention Ratanak's children exploitation project in Cambodia which seeks
to provide help and care for children who were sexually abused.
2: People under 15 can choose to attend VTPC TPSeeds Fellowship's
program this Saturday (same time but meet in the main sanctuary).
TPSeeds Fellowship will be watching "UP" from 7:30 to 9:30pm.
平安! 這個禮拜六中英青少年區的活動是參加溫哥華基督長老教會Career & College Fellowship主辦的講座, 當中邀請Ratanak Foundation (創
辦人Brian McConaghy分享該機構位於柬埔塞的事工,請契友踴躍攜伴參加。時間:7:30開始 地址:2733 West 41st Ave.
Vancouver (Church Hall) - 停車場是由41st Ave進入或是可以把車停在路邊.
我們在下個禮拜的團契時間會有小組時間, 討論和分享有關這個禮拜以及上個禮拜聽到的信息.
*由於該講座的內容會觸及該機構位於柬埔塞的事工:解救和提供幫助給被賣入妓院的孩童, 所以這個專題或許並不適和於每個人參加.
*15歲以下的契友可以在當天選擇參加VTPC少契(TPSeeds Fellowship)的活動:電影觀賞(“UP"). VTPC少契在同一時間聚會, 但是在教會的主堂活動.
Have a blessed week. See you on Saturday :)