Sorry for the delay. I have uploaded the powerpoint file of March's theme message, Pass the ball to God, to Google Doc. You can click on the URL below to view it online. We, as human beings, have the tendency to forget things easily. This is a fact; and we really have to admit it. I'm sure that no one here is able to tell me exactly what Josh shared two weeks ago. Therefore, I really encourage everyone of us (YES, including myself) to review the notes or messages once in a while to refresh our mind. Let's add oil together lah!!
不好意思這麼晚才上傳Josh 三月第一個禮拜所分享的信息, 把球丟給上帝. 你可以點下面的連結去複習一下我們當天所學的所聽到的. 我們是人, 所以我們都會有"健忘"這個特色. 我相信我們當中沒有人可以很詳細的跟我分享Josh 兩個禮拜前所分享的信息. 所以, 我真的很鼓勵大家 (當然, 包括我自己-_-) 三不五時花點時間複習一下我們的筆記, 使我們所學到的東西更牢牢的記在我們的腦海裡! 一起加油吧!!
Love in Christ,
- Mar 13 Thu 2008 17:02
三月主題信息- Pass the Ball to God (by 區牧長 Josh)