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give me an evil look! haha..我自己覺得很好笑很可愛啦!!!!


tpccyouth 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

A very good sermon shared by Daniel (from Career Zone)! I encourage everyone to take some time to watch it!


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tpccyouth 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

今天無意中從朋友的BLOG 看到這個 覺得超猛的啦!!!


竟然有人會想到要去翻譯他= =

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tpccyouth 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

飛行屋 懷念一下吧!

Part A

Part B

Part C

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米納桑 gomen nasai:

這禮拜的小組查經, 俺找不到卡通版. 不過我覺得這一個也不錯啦. 我覺得圖片很漂亮!! (HAHA)

不過好不好看是次要啦. 最重要的還是非咱們"阿爸的話"莫屬啦!!!

Enjoy the clip and the words of Abba!


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tpccyouth 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

之前在Youtube 看到這個影片, 這是一個敬拜讚美的Workshop 的影片!
我覺得講得很簡單, 卻很正確;尤其是在講每個樂器的音域的分配的地方, 對我自己幫助滿大的! 希望對你們也有幫助~
特別是Praise and Worship team 的人, 請務必要看呀!!!!
Part One

Part Two

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這是我爸寄給我的, 我看了之後眼淚真的掉了下來. 真得是個很感動的影片, 尤其是最後那首歌, 整個控制不了呀!!!

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2006 年回顧影片

tpccyouth 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

這幾天一時興起, 想到電腦裡面有一些前幾年的回顧的影片, 於是就勤奮的把它們傳到Youtube 上面. 順便就貼過來這邊跟大家分享一下吧!! 如果你是影片中的一份子, 和我一樣, 讓我們藉著這些影片回想這一路上, 我們經歷了些什麼, 我們學習到什麼, 以及上帝是如何帶領我們走過來. 如果你是後來才來的, 看看這些影片, 也可以讓你們一起來了解我們團契的歷史吧!! Enjoy ~

Realizing that my computer has some old videos of our fellowship, I decided to upload them to youtube and to share with you guys here. If you are in the videos (like me), let's think about what we've experienced, what we've learned, and how God has led us here. If you are not, watching these video clips will help you know the history of our fellowship!! ENJOY~

2003 年回顧

2004 年回顧

tpccyouth 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hi all,

i found this video clip on youtube (well...then i realized that there are actually 6 series of this..but..mm..i just pose this one on as a .. u no..sample!HAHA..the rest u guys can easily youtube it) and i found it interesting and meaningful (well..at least to me!) It really made me think a lot. And i think the key point of my thinking is that our Father cares about our heart and our relationship with Him.

What do u think about the video?

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